Our masks have been designed and manufactured as per the standards developed by the French Standardization Association ( Group) to define minimum performance in the following terms:
Filtration – minimum 70% solid particle filtration or droplet filtration
Breathability – maximum pressure difference of 0.6 mbar/cm2 or maximum inhalation resistance of 2.4 mbar and maximum exhalation resistance of 3 mbar
TYPE OF MATERIAL: Our mask is made up of 100% pure cotton (60 X 60) high quality textile. Unlike elastic material our high quality cotton material can withstand wear, stretching over the face resulting in increased pore size, hence decreasing the filtration efficiency. Also it can withstand degradation over time and it’s not sensitive to hot water wash.
Cotton is hydrophilic (water soaking) compared to medical masks which are highly hydrophobic. This tendency cotton masks helps to soak and hold the water droplets. This ability offers additional advantage to cotton masks.
NUMBER OF LAYERS: A double layer protection acts as a barrier with a filtration efficiency of 98.6 (droplet blocking efficiency) and yet the breath-ability is close to the 3 layered medical mask.

MASK SHAPE: It’s a flat fold style design designed to fit closely over the nose, cheeks and chin of the wearer. It can be held in place comfortably with little adjustment using elastic bands. It is important that air should not penetrate into the mask while speaking, so appropriate size should be considered while ordering the mask. We have three sizes namely Small (for kids), Medium (for teens and slim faces) and Large for adults and broad faced people keeping in mind the average Indian population.
COATING OF FABRIC: No coating is provided as the material itself has good filtration efficiency
- Masks should only be used by one person and should not be shared.
- All masks should be changed if wet or visibly soiled, a wet mask should not be worn for an extended period of time.
- Remove the mask without touching the front of the mask, do not touch the eyes or mouth after mask removal.
- Place it in a sealable bag or in an isolated bin where it is kept until it can be washed and cleaned and perform hand hygiene immediately afterwards.
- Fabric masks should be washed frequently and handled carefully, so as not to contaminate other items
- If the layers of fabrics look noticeably worn out, discard the mask
- Washing in warm hot water, 40 to 60°C, with soap or laundry detergent is recommended.
- Where hot water is not available, wash mask with soap/detergent at room temperature water, followed by either i) boiling mask for one minute OR ii) soak mask in 0.1% chlorine for one minute then thoroughly rinse mask with room temperature water, to avoid any toxic residual of chlorine
- Washing in high temperature is not recommended
- Wash delicately without too much friction, stretching or wringing
Cloth/Fabric masks are not meant for any surgical or clinical settings or where significant exposure to liquids, bodily or other hazardous fluids may be expected. Fabric Masks are non medical masks and they should be avoided where levels of infections due to exposure are very high and not for use in the presence of highly flammable gas or heat source. We make NO warranties; either expresses or implied that the mask prevents infections or the transmission of viruses or diseases.
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